Monday, November 1, 2010

Inside Track Mo-torsport News takes on Movember

This Movember, the month formerly known as November, Inside Track Communications employees have decided to donate their faces to raising awareness about prostate cancer. Their donation and commitment is the growth of a moustache for the entire month of Movember, to generate conversation, controversy and laughter.

Inside Track Communications employees will be updating their exploits online for all to see.

4,400 men die of prostate cancer in Canada each year and one in six men will be diagnosed during his lifetime. Donations go to Prostate Cancer Canada.

To help, you can choose an Inside Track Communications employee of your choice (or donate to the team as a whole) by clicking on the following links:

Mark Hoffberg
Art Director

Jeff Morgan
Editor – Inside MotoX & Off Road

Derek Rockel
Sales – Inside MotoX & Off Road / Inside Motorcycles

Mike Galipeau
Sales – Inside Track Motorsport News

James Neilson
Editor – Inside Track Motorsport News

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

For more details on how the funds raised from previous campaigns have been used and the impact Movember is having please visit:

Thank you in advance for helping us to support men’s health.


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